General Overview

Credit Insurance

Credit Insurance helps businesses to effectively manage their credit risk exposure, protects their accounts receivable, and maintains financial stability and growth in an increasingly complex and competitive business environment. This insuranceis also known as trade credit insurance or accounts receivable insurance, is a risk management tool that protects businesses against losses resulting from non-payment by customers. It provides coverage for accounts receivable, ensuring that businesses are compensated for goods or services delivered to customers who are unable or unwilling to pay.

Scope of Coverage

Insolvency: Protects against losses resulting from the insolvency or bankruptcy of a customer, ensuring that the insured business receives payment for outstanding invoices.

Protracted Default: Covers losses due to the prolonged non-payment of invoices by a customer, typically after a specified waiting period (e.g., 90 days) past the due date.

Political Risk: Provides coverage for losses resulting from political events or actions that prevent payment by foreign customers, such as currency exchange restrictions, export/import bans, or political unrest.

Commercial Disputes: Some policies may offer coverage for losses resulting from commercial disputes or contract disagreements with customers, subject to policy terms and conditions.


Credit Limit Monitoring

Credit Limit Monitoring

Policy Underwriting

Policy Underwriting

Claims Handling

Claims Handling


  • Risk Mitigation: Helps businesses manage the financial risks associated with trade credit, ensuring that they are protected against losses from customer non-payment.
  • Cash Flow Management: Provides assurance of payment for goods or services delivered, enabling businesses to maintain stable cash flow and liquidity.
  • Business Expansion: Facilitates business growth by allowing businesses to extend credit terms to customers with confidence, without the fear of non-payment.

Amana Insurance